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Small Logos & Skinny Letters

Some of the toughest challenges we have are the small elements that are part of many logos. I would like to take a moment to explain. Embroidery cannot achieve the resolution of a printed document due to a number of factors, including the dimension of the thread, the “give” of the fabric and the tension/pull […]

One-of-a-kind Shirt

Lantana Productions is very proud to have been part of the Tribute to Ralph Lewis (Sons of Ralph) at Jack of the Wood last Friday evening. Ralph was presented with a plaque naming the stage the “Ralph Lewis Stage” and also with this custom shirt designed and embroidered by Lantana Productions.

Push & Pull of Fabric

Embroidering a design on a different garment/fabric than the one it was originally digitized for can cause all kinds of quality issues. In the real world of embroidery, no design sews great on everything. Since each fabric has different characteristics, a design needs to be digitized differently for each. This is because stitches create tension on […]